
Friday, March 22, 2013


I'll just write this thing here and I am tired because it's late so, I really hope this makes sense :D

This night when I was getting ready to go to bed I think God spoke to me. He told me this:

"Without me you are like a sailboat without the sail and the wind."

Imagine a sailboat in an ocean. Picture that it has no sail. How does the boat go? It's windy, perhaps, and the boat is just drifting.

Without God in our life we are drifting in an ocean. Nothing is directing us, because there is not a sail the wind can give a boost for. The boat, we, are just drifting there without a destiny. What kind of life is that? In the end we end up on a beach and there we stay without the wind and the sail, sadly.

When we have the sail and the wind we have the direction. Something is directing us and we are not lost anymore. We don't decide where we are going, but the wind does.

Just some of my thoughts :) Please comment below what you think!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


4 Jumalan laupeus on kuitenkin niin runsas ja hän rakasti meitä niin suuresti,
5 että hän teki meidät, rikkomustemme tähden kuolleet, eläviksi Kristuksen kanssa. Armosta teidät on pelastettu.
6 Jumala herätti meidät yhdessä Kristuksen Jeesuksen kanssa
ja antoi meillekin paikan taivaassa
7 osoittaakseen kaikille tuleville aikakausille, kuinka äärettömän runsas on hänen armonsa ja kuinka suuri hänen hyvyytensä, kun hän antoi meille Kristuksen Jeesuksen.
8 Armosta Jumala on teidät pelastanut antamalla teille uskon. Pelastus ei ole lähtöisin teistä, vaan se on Jumalan lahja.
9 Se ei perustu ihmisen tekoihin, jottei kukaan voisi ylpeillä.
10 Mekin olemme Jumalan tekoa, luotuja Kristuksen Jeesuksen yhteyteen toteuttamaan niitä hyviä tekoja, joita tekemään Jumala on meidät tarkoittanut. (Ef. 2: 4-10)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

My life in Christ


A little girl is praying and opening her heart to God. She loves God so much, that she doesn't need anything else. Her faith is not only a small part of her life, it's the biggest part. She wants to go all around the World to tell people about this great love of God. She wants to preach to millions of people at once.

This girl is me.





I was born in a christian family so I have grown into the faith. My mother was married to my foster-father and I have a brother and a stepbrother. They are all believers and I thank God for that.

My mother and father told me about God right from the beginning of my life. I was a believer right away. I went to sunday school and some meetings  and of course to church camps. Here in Finland they are usually arranged in the summer. The camps were such a blessing. I got so close to God and the camps' night worships were so filled with the Holy Spirit. Children were just crying and signing. It was so awesome. After the worships I felt so good when I had to go to bed. I felt, that I was so close to God and the next day I could feel it all over again!

  A beginning of something?

I was around four or five years when we went to a midsummer conference with my family. The conference is arranged every year and it's the biggest midsummer event in the whole Europe. And of course it's Christian. There is always that one big tent which name is "Mission tent". I have always loved that tent. At the age of four or five I was going around the tent and looking at everything with my eyes wide open. The place was full of mission, missionary and country things. Already then I was saying to my mom: " I want to be like that! I want be like those people and go around the World telling about Jesus!"

Being a missionary has always been my dream. Before I even knew what it was I already wanted to be it. Sadly, when I was a young child I thought I couldn't become a missionary. I thought you have to be something, your parents must be missionaries or you must have had courses from age 5 or something. So I forgot the whole missionary thing...for awhile. I started dreaming of becoming an actress and a movie director, but neither of them felt like my "the" thing.

Some years back in the same midsummer conference I realized that anybody can become a missionary! I was so excited. I have always been interested in countries, languages and geography in general. I am good at languages, I have always wanted to preach. Everything fell into place and started to make sense! I realized that this is what God wants for me and has called me to do.

Now I have gone through difficult times. I can't wait to go on mission trips, I can't go now because I haven't reached the age of 18 yet. It's hard to see others go and travel while I'm staying here. Well, now is my time to get to know God better! It's time to read His Word and learn before I leave this country.

Oh! No my dream doesn't end yet ;) In the future I want to travel everywhere! I want to live in poor countries and go to different meetings. In my meeting I want to be millions of people at the same time like I have always dreamed of. I want to see miracles, God's people and lost lambs. I want to have an exciting life, a life like an adventure. God decides my future :)

Thanks if you could read the whole thing :D Hopefully you know something more about me now.

Here's a song which describes very well my situation. I fell hard one time, but I'm still that girl who wants to change the whole World!


Friday, March 1, 2013

Songs I have made!

Here are songs I have made :) Listen and subscribe! Thanks.


I made this song for an important person. This song is my favorite of all my own songs.




Unknown Love